Back to Sermon ArchiveAugust 2, 2015
You Cannot Serve The Lord
Speaker: Craig Luekens Series: Joshua Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Joshua 24:1–24:33
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June 28, 2015
A People for His Own Possession: Worship, Love, & the Bride of Christ
Speaker: Craig Luekens Series: Joshua Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Joshua 23:1–23:16
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May 24, 2015
The Serious Responsibility of Love
Speaker: Craig Luekens Series: Joshua Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Joshua 22:1–22:34
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April 26, 2015
Justice, Mercy, and the Good News in Submitting to God’s Discipline
Speaker: Craig Luekens Series: Joshua Topic: Goatville Sermons Passage: Joshua 20:1–21:8
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April 12, 2015
Christ Will Make All Things New: The Inheritance of the Land, part 4
Speaker: Craig Luekens Series: Joshua Topic: Goatville Sermons Passage: Joshua 19:41–19:51
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March 22, 2015
Looking to the City that has Foundations: The Inheritance of the Land, part 3
Speaker: Craig Luekens Series: Joshua Topic: Goatville Sermons Passage: Joshua 18:1–18:6
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March 8, 2015
Raised with Christ: The Inheritance of the Land, part 2
Speaker: Craig Luekens Series: Joshua Topic: Goatville Sermons Passage: Joshua 14:1–14:5
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March 1, 2015
Participating in Christ: The Inheritance of the Land, part 1
Speaker: Craig Luekens Series: Joshua Topic: Goatville Sermons Passage: Joshua 13:1–13:7
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February 22, 2015
Leaving Nothing Undone: The Exacting Nature of God's Holiness and Grace
Speaker: Craig Luekens Series: Joshua Topic: Goatville Sermons Passage: Joshua 11:1–11:23
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February 15, 2015
Our God the Fighter: Joshua, Jesus and the Promise of Victory
Speaker: Craig Luekens Series: Joshua Topic: Goatville Sermons Passage: Joshua 10:1–10:28
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February 1, 2015
Against All Odds
Speaker: Craig Luekens Series: Joshua Topic: Goatville Sermons Passage: Joshua 9:1–9:27
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January 25, 2015
Behold Your God! Our Fears and the Strength of God in Christ
Speaker: Craig Luekens Series: Joshua Topic: Goatville Sermons Passage: Joshua 8:1–8:35
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January 11, 2015
Total Devotion
Speaker: Craig Luekens Series: Joshua Topic: Goatville Sermons Passage: Joshua 7:1–7:25
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December 7, 2014
Christ's Holy War
Speaker: Craig Luekens Series: Joshua Topic: Goatville Sermons Passage: Joshua 6:1–6:27
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December 28, 2008
Restoration of the Kingdom
Speaker: Tolivar Wills Series: Joshua Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Joshua 6:1–27, John 4:1–26
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September 28, 2008
Kingdom Consummation: Knowing Our Ultimate Reality
Speaker: Tolivar Wills Series: Joshua Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Joshua 5:1–15, Ephesians 1:1–3, Ephesians 1:15–23
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August 17, 2008
Kingdom Consummation: Knowing Our Identity & Purpose
Speaker: Tolivar Wills Series: Joshua Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Joshua 5:1–12, Galatians 3:19–29
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August 10, 2008
Kingdom Consummation: A Renewing of Hope
Speaker: Tolivar Wills Series: Joshua Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Joshua 3:1– 4:24, Luke 3:21–22, Luke 4:1–15
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July 13, 2008
Kingdom Consummation: The Ground Work Has Already Been Laid
Speaker: Tolivar Wills Series: Joshua Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Joshua 2:1–24, Ephesians 1:15–23
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June 22, 2008
Keep Moving Forward…in Faith
Speaker: Tolivar Wills Series: Joshua Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Joshua 1:1–18, Hebrews 4:1–16
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