Back to Sermon ArchiveNovember 6, 2011
A Narrative of Kingless Chaos
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 19:1–30, Romans 1:16–22, Romans 1:28–31
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October 30, 2011
The Canaanization of Israel: Then and Now
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 17:1– 18:31, 2 Timothy 3:1–7
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October 23, 2011
Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted...The Rock of Our Salvation!
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 16:1–31, Philippians 2:1–10
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October 9, 2011
From Humiliation Comes a Spring of Life
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 15:1–20, Acts 3:12–26
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October 2, 2011
The Secret of God in Sampson: But Are We Clueless?
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 14:1–20,
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September 25, 2011
SHIMSHON: The Birth of Rising Expectations
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 13:1–25, Matthew 1:18–25
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May 29, 2011
Its Both/And or Nothing: Savior AND Judge
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 12:1–7, Acts 17:22–34
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May 22, 2011
Unto God…How Much is Enough?
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 10:17– 11:11, Judges 11:29–40, Revelation 3:14–22
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April 10, 2011
God's Impatience?
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 10:1–16, 2 Corinthians 6:11–18
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April 3, 2011
The Antichrist: Then and Now
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 8:33– 9:21, 1 John 2:15–29
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March 27, 2011
Gideon: The Coming of the Awe-ful Judge
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 8:4–28, John 5:18–47
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March 20, 2011
The Choosing of a Warrior Elite & the Issue of Courage
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 7:1– 8:3, 1 Corinthians 1:8–11
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March 6, 2011
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 3:7–11, 2 Corinthians 12:5–10
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February 27, 2011
Oh, If Only We Had a Prophet!
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 6:1–10, Luke 7:11–35
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February 13, 2011
Even Jabba the Hutt is No Match for God!
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 3:12–30, 1 John 4:1–6
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February 6, 2011
Have You Had a Good Cry Lately?
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 3:7–11, Luke 15:1–7
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January 23, 2011
God's Gracious Anger
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 2:6– 3:5, Hebrews 12:3–11
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January 16, 2011
From Gilgal to Bochim: A Warning to Complete the Conquest!
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 1:1–11, Judges 1:16– 2:5, Colossians 3:1–11
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January 9, 2011
God's Power Is Made Perfect In Weakness - Deborah: The Spiritual Mother of Israel
Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Judges Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Judges 4:1– 5:9, 2 Corinthians 12:1, 2 Corinthians 12:6–10
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