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November 14, 2010

Watch Out and Don't Be Naïve

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 16:17–20, Ezekiel 13:1–10

October 17, 2010

Overflowing Hope in an Age of Pint-Sized Hopefulness

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 15:13, Genesis 25:19–34

September 19, 2010

Real Communion That is Real!

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 15:22–33, Isaiah 60:1–11

September 12, 2010

Boldly Going Where No Person Has Gone Before...For the Gospel!!!

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 15:14–33, Isaiah 52:7–15

August 29, 2010

A Multi-National Welcome

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 15:7–29, Isaiah 43:1–10

August 22, 2010

Strong Conviction and Tolerance BOTH?

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 14:1– 15:7, Isaiah 40:20–23

August 1, 2010

Temple Communality, Part 2: A Counter-Prevailing Love

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 9:9–21, Proverbs 25:21–22

July 25, 2010

Temple Communality Explored

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 12:1–9, Leviticus 19:18

July 4, 2010

An Untraceable Faith

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 11:7–36, Isaiah 40:9–31

June 13, 2010

Remnant by Grace

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 11:1–11, 1 Kings 19:9–18

May 30, 2010

The Efficiacy of Preaching, Part 2: A Lesson from Fools

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 10:17–21, Acts 17:10–15, Psalm 119:97–115

May 23, 2010

Is the Preaching of the Word of God the Word of God?

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 10:14–21, Isaiah 52:1–15

May 9, 2010

Saving Faith: It's Not As Hard As You Think!

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 9:30– 10:21, Deuteronomy 30:1–3, Deuteronomy 30:11–20

April 25, 2010

The Justification of God, Part 2: Is God Fair?

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 9:14–29, Exodus 33:1–19

April 18, 2010

The Justification of God

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 9:1–18, Genesis 25:19–34

April 4, 2010

An Easter Epilogue for the Children of Hope

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 8:9–30, Psalm 16:5–11

March 28, 2010

Exasperated Unto Salvation

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 7:1–6, Deuteronomy 28:15–24

March 21, 2010

Marriage to Another

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 7:1–6, Genesis 2:21– 3:7

March 14, 2010

An Amazing and Subjectifying Grace!

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 6:1–14, Deuteronomy 30:1–14

March 7, 2010

Cosmic Child Abuse or an Amazing & Objectifying Grace?

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 5:6–21, Exodus 34:1–9

February 14, 2010

When Boasting is Not Only Allowed, but Encouraged!

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 5:1–11, Jeremiah 9:23–26

February 7, 2010

Is Christ Good News for Everyone?...A Mandate to Be Missional!

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 10:12–21, Joel 2:1–2, Joel 2:28–32

November 22, 2009

Can Christians Boast? Yes and No!

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 4:1–25, Genesis 15:1–11, Genesis 15:17–21

November 15, 2009

What the Unrighteous Dare to Hope!

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 3:21–31, Leviticus 16:11–17

November 1, 2009

Preparatory Grace

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 3:1–20, Isaiah 59:1–21

October 25, 2009

Can Idolatry Be Christian?

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 2:17–29, Amos 5:18–37

October 18, 2009

Hell Week Secured!

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 2:1–16, Proverbs 24:1–12

October 4, 2009

Preaching God’s Anger in an Age of Tolerance: A Sermon for the Broadminded!

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 1:18–32, Judges 2:8–23

September 27, 2009

"I Am Not Ashamed!"

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 1:8–17, Habakkuk 2:2–5

September 20, 2009

It's All About Christ, BUT WHY?

Speaker: Preston Graham Series: Romans Topic: Whitney 11:30am Service Passage: Romans 1:1–7, Isaiah 49:1–8