Children's Christian Education
In an attempt to assist our covenant families in raising their children in the grace of the gospel, we have developed a thoughtful and comprehensive approach towards providing your children with deep and enduring roots in the Christian faith. Our philosophy emphasizes close parent/church cooperation. As a result, our strategy for "making disciples" seeks to be primarily relational rather than programmatic.
Our curriculum represents both a deductive and inductive approach to education that is intended to give our children a lasting and full knowledge of the Christian faith. Our goal, then, is to help our children become faithful disciples of Christ, well prepared to live and defend the Gospel into the 21st century.
By the time a child leaves their home, they will have been trained in:
- A comprehensive study of the Bible in all its various periods
- A systematic study and review of the essential teachings of the classic/evangelical Christian faith
- A precious collection of classic hymns to assist in private and public worship
- A practical and personal knowledge of Christ as experienced within the loving community of a Christ-centered church
- Deductive Bible Study: Children review the Westminster Shorter Catechisms and learn hymns often used in worship
- Inductive Bible Study: Each Sunday School class studies the Scripture using lessons and curricula most suited to each age
Sunday School Teachers and Class Info (2023-2024)
- Ages 2.5 - Pre-K Class: GCP Preschool Spring/Summer Curriculum | Basement Study Center | Teachers: Peggy Kebabian, Heather Woolbert, Anna Korver (sub)
- K - 2 Grade Class: 2-3 Grade DWELL Year 2 Curriculum | 2nd Floor, Conference Room | Teachers: Joshua Bird, Bennie Finch, Julie Walker (sub)
- 3rd - 5th Grade Class: 4-5 Grade DWELL Year 2 Curriculum | 1st Floor, Lecture Room | Teachers: Hannah Chen, Bill Phinney, Tanilla Brown (sub)
- 6th - 8th Grade Class: Westminster Shorter Catechism Year 1 | 2nd Floor, Senior Pastor’s Study | Teachers: Katie Levesque, Peter Chuchta, Cliff Bogue (sub)
- High School Class: Youth Room | Teachers: Jerry Ornelas | Assistants | Josh Kebabian, Alicia Kebabian, Anna Graham (sub)
- Floating Sub K-5: Elena Gerard
CPC Booklets
- Together in God's Presence
- From Baptism to Lord's Supper
- Child Discipleship at CPC
- Children's Ministry Handbook
Further Reading
Here are papers and books about children in corporate worship or child discipleship:
- Bible Story and Devotional
- The Child's Story Bible by Catherine Vos
- My First Message: A Devotional Bible for Kids
- The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones
- Egermeier's Bible Story Book by Elsie Egermeier
- Read-Aloud Bible Stories by Ella Lindvall
- Bible Truths for Little Kids by Susan Hun
- Parenting and Family Worship
- Grace-Based Parenting by Tim Kimmel
- Shepherding a Child's Heart by Ted Tripp
- The Family Worship Book by Terry L. Johnson
- Parenting in the Pew by Robbie Castleman
- Sacred Parenting by Gary Thomas
- Wild Things by Stephen James and David Thomas
- God's Design for Sex (series) by various authors including Stan and Brenna Jones
For any inquiries regarding our children's ministry, contact Jerry Ornelas.