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The liturgy of our service is carefully choreographed after the pattern of ancient temple worship. While some services get us to the gospel, a temple informed worship service not only invites us to hear about God and the good news, but to actually partake of God and to do the gospel. The movements in worship (as described below) are based upon the foundation of the apostles with Christ as the cornerstone and illustrated in Revelation 4-5. In our worship, we anticipate that God in Christ by the Holy Spirit will actually show up in this particular place with us as a particular people.
The style of our services is musically-blended and each is biblically based and theologically rich, following the same liturgy, as an experience of grace-centered worship. We believe that the gospel is a message of all-transforming grace and we enact that every week through the following movements of worship to include praise, confession, preaching, and sacraments.
Movement One
Rediscovering God's Glory
God’s desire initiates an invitation into His presence. Through worship, we rediscover the holy otherness of God in His glory revealed through creation and salvation.
Movement Two
Rediscovering God's Grace
Entering God’s presence naturally leads us to face our sin, yet in Christ we do so both mournfully and courageously, with the knowledge that his abundant mercy awaits. God makes it safe to be honest, real, and transparent about our moral failures and brokenness because we have nothing to prove or hide in Christ.
Movement Three
Renewal in Christ's Word
The preaching of the Word of God is the Word of God, wherein it becomes the very Word of God proclaimed and received by the illumination of the Holy Spirit to believers. This is not a lecture based on a dead letter, or a self-help talk, but an encounter with the living God in the flesh of His people.
Movement Four
Renewal in Christ's Presence
In the Covenant Meal, we both remember the sacrificial life of Christ’s atonement and partake of Christ’s ascended presence by the Holy Spirit, wherein no extent of space separates us from the life-giving power of God. All Christians being united to Christ are united to each other in love and have communion in each other’s gifts and graces.
Movement Five
Restored in Christ's Supremacy
From the throne of heaven, God’s power and grace is with us. In reverence and awe, we worship an exalted King and receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken, going forth in his immeasurable power working within us.