Webcast of Live Worship at CPC

We welcome all who are joining us via live stream to our “Virtual” service of worship. 

We should acknowledge that there is something of a lamentation to this service as we are not all together in the flesh-on-flesh one-anothering with Christ. And without mistake, this is significant even as the scripture makes it clear that “assembling” together in a flesh-on-flesh event with Christ is related to experiencing the fullness of Christ who fills all in all (Eph 1:22-23).

That being said, we rejoice insofar as we do partake “in spirit” together as by the presence of Christ by the Holy Spirit. That is to say that our worship is as good as it approximates real and total Christ worship -- we will attempt to do that in this service virtually.  Along those lines, we encourage you at your home to fully participate with body and voice throughout the service -- when invited to stand, kneel, sing, recite, etc. 

Again, thank you for joining us!

Sunday Worship 10:30am

After the Worship Service