"God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together." - 1 Corinthians 12:24-26
God's people are the hands and feet of Christ. We cannot experience God and grow spiritually in a truly gospel-centered and biblical way if we are living in isolation. Neither can we say we are flourishing if our brother or sister in Christ is suffering. Bound together with covenant communion, God brings us into new relationships where sacrifice is freedom and giving to others is where we find life.
Life Groups are our way of doing church in the small with all sorts of people engaged in prayer, teaching, fellowship and care. They are the vehicle that we use to help its participants continue to experience Christ outside of our worship gatherings and to impart the pastoral care that Christ provides through the love of His people. Thus, the worship, teaching, fellowship, and care for one another supply a more intimate and hands-on encounter with the living Christ.
Click the image above for an interactive map and meeting times! Select one location at a time and click the "directions" icon to see its proximity to your location. Contact the leaders for exact addresses and meeting times.
- Hamden Cheshire Life Group | Contact: Julie Walker
- Downtown New Haven Wednesday Life Group | Contact: Colleen Rice
- Downtown New Haven Thursday Life Group | Contact: Alicia Kebabian
- East Rock Life Group | Contact: Kaitlyn Jessee
- Trumbull Life Group | Contact: Stacy Roney
- Shoreline Saturday Life Group | Contact: Cliff Bogue
- West Side Life Group (Woodbridge/Westville) | Contact: Miranda Healy