The Word was made flesh, and dwelled among us; to that flesh is joined the church, and there is made Total Christ, head and body.

St. Augustine, On the Epistle of John 1.2

Designed for Mission Anabaino's Church Planting Apprenticeship Training, the following readings seek to construct a missional ecclesiology in conversation with reformed catholicity, together with its practical relevance to contemporary issues and ministry.  The various topics are studied as an investigation in ascension Christology applied, or Augustine’s Totus Christus thesis through the reformed trajectory and qualifications.  The ecclesiology espoused is a "Five Mark" Church ("High Gospel," "High Ecclesia," Confessional, Sacramental, and Communal).

More than a source of missions, the temple-church is considered as a locus of mission, or Christ vis-à-vis history, in our search for a missional ecclesiology and polity.  How would it transform our understanding of the nature and spirituality of church polity to believe, in the words of John Calvin about the church, that

"No extent of space interferes with the boundless energy of the Spirit which transfuses life into us from the flesh of Christ" ?

John Calvin, Corpus Reformatorum


Sample Schedule: 

Class #1:  I. Ascension Applied

Class #2:  II. Covenantal & III. Missional

Class #3:  IV. Sacramental 

Class #4:  V. Communal

Class #5:  VI. Confessional


Study Guides



I. Ascension Christology Applied:  Church by Nature (Ecclesial Ontology)

(READ): James Farrow, Ascension and Ecclesia, Chapter 1 

(READ): F. Torrance, Royal Priesthood, Chapter 2 "Function of the Body

(READ):  Preston Graham Jr., A Prolegomena in Total Christ Ecclesiology, (unpublished rough draft)

Preston Graham Jr.  Ascension Christology Explored Relative to the Minus Triplex: Does Totus Christus Ecclesiology Contradict Solus Christus? 

Richard Gaffin, Perspectives on Pentecost, Chapter 1

II. Missional Church:  Temple Trajectory in Redemptive History

(SKIM) Preston Graham, High Ecclesia - Temple Trajectory in Redemptive History

(c.f Why Church Plant? )

(SKIM) Preston Graham, Jr., An Ecclesial Spirituality of Conversion (1st published version of High Church)

Preston Graham, Jr., A Sacramental Theology of the Gospel

Tim Keller, The Missional Church

Tim Keller, Evangelistic Worship

Greg Thompson, "The Hospitality of Christ for a Secular Age"  with notes

Lesslie Newbigin, The Reunion of the Church, Chapter 2: “The Israel of God”

Lesslie Newbigin, The Household of God, Chapter 1-3

Lesslie Newbigin, Logic of Mission

III. High Gospel Church:  Covenant Trajectory in Redemptive History

(SKIM) Preston Graham, Jr., High Gospel - Covenant Trajectory in Redemptive History

(READ) James Bannerman, The Church of Christ, Vol. 1, Part 1, Chapter 2, Part 2: Chapter 1, 3, 4, 5 

Applied to Moralism:

Applied to Cultural Engagement: 


IV. Sacramental:  The Mediatorial Presence of Christ as Priest

READ James Torrance, Worship, Community, and the Triune God of Grace (ch.1, ch. 2 skim)

(READ) John Williamson Nevin, The Mystical Presence... Chapter 1, Section 1: “Statement of Doctrine,” Chapter 3, Section 2, “The Mystical Union,” and (Rec) Section 3: “The Lord’s Supper”

(READ) Preston Graham, The Mystery and Manners of Sacramental Efficacy (paper delivered at April 29, 2017 Southern New England Presbytery)

Preston Graham (Handout), Worship (from Confessional Theology)

Lee Irons, The Sabbath As An Eschatological Sign of the Covenant

Preston Graham, From Baptism to Lord's Supper (The issue of when to admit children to Lord’s Supper)

John Calvin, Short Treatise on the Supper of Our Lord

V. Communal:  The Mediatorial Presence of Christ as King

Applied to Polity and Ecclesial Power:

(READ) Edmund Clowney, Distinctive Emphases in Presbyterian Polity

(SKIM) James Bannerman, The Church of Christ, Part 1: chapters 2-6, Part 2: 1, 3

Preston Graham Jr,  Handouts:

Applied to Mercy

Richard Hayes, Ecclesiology and Ethics

Preston Graham, Gospel Empowerment, Vision Anabaino #3,

Preston Graham Handouts

Communal Correction, Confession, and Forgiveness

Life Together, D. Bonhoeffer (chapter 1)

Applied to Ecumenism:

(READ) Preston Graham, Jr., Lesslie Newbigin's Missional Ecclesiology Explored: A Christo-Centric proposal for Ecumenism in today’s Global Context

Michael Allen and Scott Swain, "Reformed Catholicity" Introduction and Chapter 1 

VI.  Confessional:  The Mediatorial Presence of Christ as Prophet

Kevin Vanhoozer Introduction and Conclusion of "Drama of Doctrine"

(SKIM) Samuel Miller, Doctrinal Integrity  (esp. Chapter 1, “Arguments in Favor of Creeds,” Chapter 2 Answers for “Objections to Creeds”, “Concluding Remarks”)

(READ) Carl Trueman, The Creedal Imperative

John Weber, Confession and Confessions (Chapter 1),

SKIM Preston Graham (Handout), Confessional Theology Review
